ICNG Seminar: “Partitioning cell type-specific heritability in scRNA-seq data”

Andy Dahl, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Medicine University of Chicago
ICNG Seminar: “Unraveling the complexity: biological insights from human cellular models of psychiatric disorders”

Ralda Nehme, PhD Associate Director Stem Cell Program Broad Institute
ICNG Seminar: “Breaking Barriers in human genetics research: Novel mechanisms and Diversity efforts”

Janitza L. Montalvo-Ortiz, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Psychiatry Division of Human Genetics Yale School of Medicine
ICNG Seminar: “(Machine) Learning to Tell The Time: Integrating molecular and wearable device data to model circadian rhythms”

Rosemary Braun, PhD Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biosciences Northwestern University
ICNG Seminar: “Accelerated accumbens social representational drift in a model of autism”

Peyman Golshani, MD Professor-in-Residence Neurology UCLA
ICNG Seminar: “Progress in Precision Psychiatry”

William Meyerson, MD, PhD Resident Physician Psychiatry Duke University
ICNG Seminar: “How to Build Sustainable Research and Training Collaboration: Perspectives from a LIMIC Country (Ethiopia)”

Solomon Teferra, MD, PhD Professor Department of Psychiatry Addis Ababa University Ethiopia
ICNG Seminar: “Mechanisms of human cortical development and neuropsychiatric disease.”

Luis de la Torre-Ubieta, PhD Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research David Geffen School of […]
ICNG Seminar: “Epigenomic and chromosomal architectural reconfiguration in developing human frontal cortex and hippocampus”

Chongyuan Luo, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Human Genetics UCLA

Steve Horvath, Ph.D. Professor Human Genetics and Biostatistics UCLA