ICNG Seminar: “Developing Insights into Schizophrenia and other Neurodevelopmental Disorders”

Rebecca Birnbaum, MD Assistant Professor Genetics and Genomic Sciences Mount Sinai
ICNG Seminar: “Connecting electrophysiological measures from schizophrenia patient-derived neurons to the donor’s clinical status and cognitive performance”

Brady J. Maher, PhD Lead Investigator, Lieber Institute for Brain Development Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Associate Professor, Dept. of Neuroscience Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine
ICNG Seminar: “Future-proofing Neural Morphology”

Giorgio Ascoli, PhD Professor Bioengineering & Neuroscience Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study George Mason University
ICNG Seminar: “Genetics, aging, and Alzheimer’s disease in black communities”

Kacie D. Deters, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Integrative Biology & Physiology University of California Los Angeles
ICNG Seminar: “Digital Phenotyping for Depression and Anxiety”

Nelson Freimer, MD Professor, Psychiatry and Human Genetics Director, Depression Grand Challenge
ICNG Seminar: “Spinocerebellar ataxia type 1, a CAG Triplet Disorder: Disease mechanisms and links with Huntington Disease”

Harry Orr, PhD Professor Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology University of Minnesota School of Medicine
ICNG Seminar: “Sex differences in the common genetic architecture of the human brain anatomy”

Rebecca Shafee, PhD Research Fellow Section on Developmental Neurogenomics National Institute of Mental Health
ICNG Seminar: “Towards an atlas of human vulnerability using cell villages”

Michael Wells, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Human Genetics David Geffen School of Medicine
ICNG Seminar: “Organization and Function of Cortical Circuits Underlying Long Term Memory”

Laura DeNardo, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Physiology David Geffen School of Medicine
ICNG Seminar: “Comparative methods offer powerful insights into the evolution of the ‘social brain'”

Sarah Kocher, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics Princeton University