ICNG Seminar: “Cell-type specific transcriptional networks related to cognition”
Virtual (Zoom)Genevieve Konopka, PhD Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience Jon Heighten Scholar in Autism Research UT Southwestern Medical Center
Genevieve Konopka, PhD Associate Professor, Department of Neuroscience Jon Heighten Scholar in Autism Research UT Southwestern Medical Center
The Center for Neurobehavioral Genetics will be hosting a computational workshop: “An Overview of Single Cell RNA Sequencing from Soup to Nuts.” Speakers include Drs. Mike Gandal, Dan Geschwind, Chongyuan Luo, Tim Stuart, Brie Wamsley, and Ms. Yi Zhang. While this event is provided as part of the Training Program in Neurobehavioral Genetics, it is […]
Robert Bilder, PhD Professor Department of Psychiatry & Biobehavioral Genetics UCLA
Discussion Topic: A human forebrain organoid model of fragile X syndrome exhibits altered neurogenesis and highlights new treatment strategies Article Link: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41593-021-00913-6 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Brent Fogel, PhD Associate Professor Department of Neurology UCLA
Discussion Topic: Prognostic value of polygenic risk scores for adults with psychosis Article Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-021-01475-7 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Discussion Topic: Spatially mapped single-cell chromatin accessibility Article Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-021-21515-7.pdf Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Aparna Bhaduri, PhD Associate Professor Department of Biological Chemistry UCLA
Discussion Topic: Early-life inflammation promotes depressive symptoms in adolescence via microglial engulfment of dendritic spines Article Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S089662732100427X?via%3Dihub Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Avishek Adhikari, Ph.D. Assistant Professor of Behavioral Neuroscience Department of Psychology UCLA
April Pyle, Ph.D. Professor and Vice Chair Department of Microbiology, Immunology, and Molecular Genetics (MIMG) UCLA George and Nouhad Ayoub Centennial Chair for Life Science Innovation UCLA
The Training Program in Neurobehavioral Genetics, directed by Drs. Roel Ophoff and Carrie Bearden, is accepting applications for Postdoctoral Trainees. Earliest funding is expected to begin 5/1/2022. In keeping with the program's goals, preference will be given to applicants who are trained in psychiatry, neurology, or psychology, although we also seek outstanding applicants with other […]
Discussion Topic: Polygenic risk for depression, anxiety and neuroticism are associated with the severity and rate of change in depressive symptoms across adolescence Article Link: https://acamh.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/jcpp.13422 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Discussion Topic: Coding of social novelty in the hippocampal CA2 region and its disruption and rescue in a 22q11.2 microdeletion mouse model Article Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-020-00720-5 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Marieke Klein, PhD Postdoctoral Researcher Department of Psychiatry UCSD
Discussion Topic: Demographic history mediates the effect of stratification on polygenic scores Article Link: https://elifesciences.org/articles/61548 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Chun Chieh Fan, PhD Assistant Adjunct Professor Radiology UCSD
Discussion Topic: A comprehensive map of genetic relationships among diagnostic categories based on 48.6 million relative pairs from the Danish genealogy Article Link: https://www.pnas.org/content/119/6/e2118688119 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Devanand S. Manoli, MD, PhD Assistant Professor, Psychiatry Weill Institute for Neurosciences UCSF
Discussion Topic: Make war not love: The neural substrate underlying a state-dependent switch in female social behavior Article Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0896627321009958 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Hui Zheng, PhD Professor & Huffington Foundation Endowed Chair in Aging Director, Huffington Center on Aging Baylor College of Medicine
Discussion Topic: Modeling assortative mating and genetic similarities between partners, siblings, and in-laws Article Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-28774-y Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Kwanghun Chung, PhD Department of Chemical Engineering Institute for Medical Engineering and Science (IMES) Picower Institute for Learning and Memory MIT
Discussion Topic:Large-scale deep multi-layer analysis of Alzheimer's disease brain reveals strong proteomic disease-related changes not observed at the RNA level Article Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-021-00999-y Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Discussion Topic: Exome sequencing of individuals with Huntington’s disease implicates FAN1 nuclease activity in slowing CAG expansion and disease onset Article Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41593-022-01033-5 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Discussion Topic: Transcriptional and imaging-genetic association of cortical interneurons, brain function, and schizophrenia risk Article Link: https://scholar.harvard.edu/files/tge/files/transcriptional_and_imaging-genetic_association_of_cortical_interneurons_brain_function_and_schizophrenia_risk.pdf Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
In lieu of our typical Journal Club meeting, we will have a predoctoral trainee present on the research they have been conducting under the Training Program in Neurobehavioral Genetics. Research Topic: Investigation of mitochondrial dysfunction mechanisms in Rett syndrome neurons Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Na Cai, PhD Principal Investigator Helmholtz Pioneer Campus Helmholtz Zentrum München
The Training Program in Neurobehavioral Genetics, directed by Drs. Roel Ophoff and Carrie Bearden, is accepting applications for Predoctoral Trainees. Earliest funding is expected to begin 9/1/2022. Proposed projects must have relevance to neurobehavioral genetics. A trainee’s appointment is contingent upon their mentor’s commitment to providing supplemental funding for Years 1 and 2 of the […]
Discussion Topic: Causal effects on complex traits are similar across segments of different continental ancestries within admixed individual Article Link: https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.08.16.22278868 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Discussion Topic: Causal effects on complex traits are similar across segments of different continental ancestries within admixed individual Article Link: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abq5011 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Carolina Makowski, PhD Postdoctoral Scholar Department of Radiology UCSD
David Glahn, PhD Associate Chief for Research Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Director, Tommy Fuss Center for Neuropsychiatric Disease Research Boston Children’s Hospital Professor of Psychology in Psychiatry Harvard Medical School
Discussion Topic: Genetic heterogeneity shapes brain connectivity in psychiatry Article Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006322322015529 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
The Training Program in Neurobehavioral Genetics, directed by Drs. Roel Ophoff and Carrie Bearden, is now accepting applications for Postdoctoral Fellows. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until Tuesday, January 31, 2023, 5 PM (PT). Per NIH Grants Policy, candidates must be U.S citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. FINAL APPLICATION DEADLINE: TUESDAY, […]
Armin Raznahan, MD, PhD Senior Investigator, NIMH Intramural Research Program Chief, Section on Developmental Neurogenomics, Human Genetics Branch
Discussion Topic: Integrated analysis of genomics, longitudinal metabolomics, and Alzheimer's risk factors among 1,111 cohort participants Article Link: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31104335/ Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Laura Zahn, PhD Editor in Chief Cell Genomics
Nicolas Crossley, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Psychiatry Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
Discussion Topic: Genetic studies of accelerometer-based sleep measures yield new insights into human sleep behaviour. Article Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-09576-1 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Discussion Topic: Autism genes converge on asynchronous development of shared neuron classes Article Link: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8852827/ Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Andrew Schork, PhD Research Leader Mental Health Services Institute of Biological Psychiatry (IBP)
Discussion Topic:A biomarker-authenticated model of schizophrenia implicating NPTX2 loss of function Article Link: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abf6935 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Eleazar Eskin, PhD Professor and Chair Dept of Computational Medicine Professor Depts of Computer Science and Human Genetics UCLA
Erik Sontheimer, PhD Pillar Chair in Biomedical Research Professor and Vice Chair, RNA Therapeutics Institute UMass Chan Medical School
Discussion Topic:Brainstem ADCYAP1+ neurons control multiple aspects of sickness behaviour Article Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05161-7 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Niamh Mullins, PhD Assistant Professor Depts. of Psychiatry, Genetics and Genomic Sciences Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Bizu Gelaye, PhD, MPH Associate Professor, Dept of Epidemiology Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health Associate Professor, Dept of Psychiatry Harvard Medical School
Discussion Topic: Psychedelics promote neuroplasticity through the activation of intracellular 5-HT2A receptors Article Link: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.adf0435 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Paul Thompson, PhD Professor Depts. of Neurology, Psychiatry, Engineering, Radiology & Ophthalmology Imaging Genetics Center Stevens Institute for Neuroimaging & Informatics University of Southern California (USC)
Discussion Topic:Novel Alzheimer Disease Risk Loci and Pathways in African American Individuals Using the African Genome Resources Panel Article Link: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamaneurology/fullarticle/2771828 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Discussion Topic: Mapping of clonal lineages across developmental stages in human neural differentiation Article Link: https://www.cell.com/cell-stem-cell/fulltext/S1934-5909(23)00044-9 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Steve Horvath, Ph.D. Professor Human Genetics and Biostatistics UCLA
Discussion Topic: Neural Mechanism of Prosocial Comforting Behavior Article Link: N/A Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Chongyuan Luo, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Human Genetics UCLA
Discussion Topic: Neuroimmune transcriptome changes in patient brains of psychiatric and neurological disorders Article Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41380-022-01854-7.pdf Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Luis de la Torre-Ubieta, PhD Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities Research Center Broad Center of Regenerative Medicine and Stem Cell Research David Geffen School of Medicine UCLA
Solomon Teferra, MD, PhD Professor Department of Psychiatry Addis Ababa University Ethiopia
Carlos Portera-Cailliau, MD, PhD Professor Departments of Neurology & Neurobiology UCLA
William Meyerson, MD, PhD Resident Physician Psychiatry Duke University
Discussion Topic: Assembloid CRISPR screens reveal impact of disease genes in human neurodevelopment Article Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06564-w Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Peyman Golshani, MD Professor-in-Residence Neurology UCLA
Discussion Topic: BrainGENIE: The Brain Gene Expression and Network Imputation Engine Article Link: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/article-abstract/2811397 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
The Training Program in Neurobehavioral Genetics, directed by Drs. Roel Ophoff and Carrie Bearden, is now accepting applications for Postdoctoral Fellows. Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis until Thursday, February 29, 2024, 5 PM (PT). Per NIH Grants Policy, candidates must be U.S citizens or permanent residents of the U.S. Per UCLA Appointment Criteria […]
Rosemary Braun, PhD Associate Professor Department of Molecular Biosciences Northwestern University
Discussion Topic: Shared Genetic Risk in the Association of Screen Time With Psychiatric Problems in Children Article Link: https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamanetworkopen/article-abstract/2811397 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Janitza L. Montalvo-Ortiz, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Psychiatry Division of Human Genetics Yale School of Medicine
Discussion Topic: Genetic correlates of social stratification in Great Britain Article Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41562-019-0757-5 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Bogdan Pasaniuc, PhD Professor Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine UCLA
Michel Naslavsky, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Genetics and Evolutionary Biology University of São Paulo (USP)
Discussion Topic: Effect of schizophrenia common variants on infant brain volumes: cross-sectional study in 207 term neonates in developing Human Connectome Project Article Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41398-023-02413-6 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Alexander Charney, MD, PhD Associate Professor Departments of Psychiatry and Genetics & Genomic Sciences Director, Charles Bronfman Institute for Personalized Medicine Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai
Discussion Topic: Relationship Between Sleep Duration and Cognitive Function in Older Adults: Analysis of NHANES and UK Biobank GWAS Data Article Link: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/10998004241230325?url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori:rid:crossref.org&rfr_dat=cr_pub%20%200pubmed Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Abraham Palmer, PhD Professor & Vice Chair for Basic Research Department of Psychiatry UC San Diego
David C Rubinsztein MB ChB, BSc(Hons), PhD, FRCPath, FMedSci, FRS Professor of Molecular Neurogenetics Deputy Director, Cambridge Institute for Medical Research UK Dementia Research Institute Professor Honorary Consultant, Department of Medical Genetics Cambridge Institute for Medical Research
Discussion Topic: Heart-brain connections: Phenotypic and genetic insights from magnetic resonance images Article Link: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/science.abn6598 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Ketema Paul, PhD Professor Department of Integrative Biology and Physiology UCLA
Discussion Topic: Characterization of altered molecular mechanisms in Parkinson's disease through cell type-resolved multiomics analyses Article Link: https://www.science.org/doi/10.1126/sciadv.abo2467 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Karmel Choi, PhD Assistant Professor, Harvard Medical School Director, Precision Prevention Program, MGH Center for Precision Psychiatry Psychologist, Department of Psychiatry, Massachusetts General Hospital
Discussion Topic:Cell subtype-specific effects of genetic variation in the Alzheimer’s disease brain Article Link: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41588-024-01685-y Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Ralda Nehme, PhD Associate Director Stem Cell Program Broad Institute
Discussion Topic: A new agenda for personality psychology in the digital age? Article Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886919302132#bb0385 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Jen Forsyth, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Psychology University of Washington
Discussion Topic: Vision-dependent specification of cell types and function in the developing cortex Article Link: https://www.cell.com/cell/fulltext/S0092-8674(21)01485-9?_returnURL=https%3A%2F%2Flinkinghub.elsevier.com%2Fretrieve%2Fpii%2FS0092867421014859%3Fshowall%3Dtrue Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Andy Dahl, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Medicine University of Chicago
Discussion Topic: The impact of assortative mating, participation bias and socioeconomic status on the polygenic risk of behavioural and psychiatric traits Article Link: https://doi.org/10.1038/s41562-024-01828-5 Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Sarah Kocher, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology Lewis-Sigler Institute for Integrative Genomics Princeton University
Discussion Topic: TBD Article Link: TBD Zoom URL: Provided upon request from CNGT32@mednet.ucla.edu
Arpy Saunders, PhD Assistant Professor Vollum Institute Oregon Health & Science University
The Training Program in Neurobehavioral Genetics, directed by Drs. Roel Ophoff and Carrie Bearden, is now accepting applications for predoctoral and postdoctoral trainees. FINAL APPLICATION DEADLINE: Friday, August 30, 2024, 5 PM (PT) PROGRAM ELIGIBILITY: Per NIH Grants Policy, candidates must be U.S citizens or permanent residents. Per UCLA Appointment Criteria, candidates must not have […]
Laura DeNardo, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Physiology David Geffen School of Medicine
Michael Wells, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Human Genetics David Geffen School of Medicine
Rebecca Shafee, PhD Research Fellow Section on Developmental Neurogenomics National Institute of Mental Health
Harry Orr, PhD Professor Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology University of Minnesota School of Medicine
Nelson Freimer, MD Professor, Psychiatry and Human Genetics Director, Depression Grand Challenge
Kacie D. Deters, PhD Assistant Professor Department of Integrative Biology & Physiology University of California Los Angeles
Giorgio Ascoli, PhD Professor Bioengineering & Neuroscience Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study George Mason University
Brady J. Maher, PhD Lead Investigator, Lieber Institute for Brain Development Associate Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences Associate Professor, Dept. of Neuroscience Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine