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Center for Neurobehavioral Genetics

Trainee Application

last updated 12/15/2021


  1. Per NIH Grants Policy, candidates must be U.S citizens or permanent residents of the U.S
  2. Per UCLA Appointment Criteria, postdoctoral candidates must not have exceeded 4 years of postdoctoral experience (at UCLA and at other institutions, combined) at the time of application.
  3. Candidates must be nominated by a UCLA Faculty Member who is listed as a Participating Mentor in the Training Program in Neurobehavioral Genetics. Any applications that identify an unlisted mentor will not be considered.
  4. In the case that a candidate is appointed, their mentor must provide supplementary funding throughout their period of appointment in order to cover the shortfall resulting from the difference between the UCLA standard stipend rate and NRSA standard stipend rate.

Candidates will be selected mainly on the basis of prior research accomplishments and academic promise. Proposed projects must have relevance to neurobehavioral genetics.

As we are committed to enhancing equity, diversity and inclusion within the biomedical, clinical, behavioral, and social sciences, we highly encourage minority candidates from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups, individuals with disabilities, and individuals from economically, socially, or educationally disadvantaged backgrounds to apply.

Required Materials

  1. Letter of Nomination from a Participating UCLA Faculty Mentor
    • The nominating mentor MUST be already listed as a participant in the program.
    • Mentors may nominate only (1) candidate per application cycle. 
  2. Two Additional Letters of Recommendation (may be from faculty outside of UCLA) 
  3. CNG T32 Application Cover Page
  4. Current CV 
  5. Statement of Objective (1-2 Sentences) 
  6. Personal Research Statement (limited to 1 page)
    • This statement should explain the applicant’s interest in the training program, reason(s) for working with the mentor, and research plan. 
  7. Appendices (limited to 3)
    • This may include the applicant’s Published/Submitted Grants and/or Papers.

Applications should be submitted by the applicant via e-mail to

Letters of Nomination / Recommendation should be submitted by the nominator / recommender (not applicant) via e-mail to



  • Font type: Arial, Georgia, Helvetica, or Palatino Linotype
  • Font size: 11 points or larger
  • Text color: Black


  • Line spacing: no more than 6 lines per vertical inch
  • Margins: At least one-half inch margins (½”) – top, bottom, left, and right

File Name

All application materials except the letters should be submitted by the applicant as a single, flattened PDF file using the following naming convention:

Applicant First Name Last Name_Mentor Last Name_Level_Application.pdf

  • For example, if Jay Bruin is applying for a predoctoral fellow appointment with Dr. Carrie Bearden as their mentor, their application should be named “Jay Bruin_Bearden_Predoc_Application.”
  • If Jay Bruin is applying for a postdoctoral fellow appointment with Dr. Roel Ophoff as their mentor, their application should be named “Jay Bruin_Ophoff_Postdoc_Application.”


Applications for the first cycle are typically accepted in the Fall, while applications for the second cycle are accepted on a rolling basis. Upcoming deadlines will be marked on our Calendar.

Applicants are typically notified of their application results within 2 months of a deadline submission.